With perfect timing, the group CORONIFA HAMBURG came around the corner with their hygiene demo Bullshit Bingo – and came to the demo. Because protest is necessary, but can also be a lot of fun – two members of the group present their demo games. Replication desired! More clever artistic interventions on Twitter are available HERE.

“Our vision is a world in which every person in distress is saved and treated with dignity.” The humanitarian organization SOS MEDITERRANEE is committed to ensuring that Europe does not let its values go overboard. Saving lives should be a duty, but unfortunately the reality is often different on Europe’s external borders. That’s why the activists collect donations – among others on the MS DOCKVILLE- and explain in this video how they are active with the Verein für Seenotrettung. Have a look at their current petition!

Demonstrations, vigils, clean ups, bicycle demos and digital protest: Since December 14th, the corresponding local group of the Fridays For Future movement in Hamburg has been on strike. The MS ARTVILLE team has supported them in various areas. The video not only underlines the importance of climate activism – it also shows how the protests can be shifted into digital space. Because this is still true: We are unstoppable. Another world is possible! 
